Partner Hachem El Housseini participates in the 2024 IAFL Annual Meeting | Abou Jaoude & Associates

Partner Hachem El Housseini participates in the 2024 IAFL Annual Meeting

June 2024

Partner Hachem El Housseini participated in the Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) held in Boston, USA between 5 and 9 June 2024. Hachem, the first Lebanese fellow of the reputable international organization, spoke on the panel chaired by Hon. Justice Altobelli AM, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) (Australia) on the key topic of “Child Law Issues for International Mobile Families”, alongside Larry Ginsberg (California, USA), Karabo Ozah (South Africa) and Ekaterina Tyagay (Russian Federation).

This premier event brought together distinguished fellows from around the world to share valuable insights on matters at the forefront of international family law.

You can view partner Hachem El Housseini’s profile on the IAFL website here. For more information on this event, please click here.